Quick list of ASL interpreted performances

2023-24 season Theatrical signed performances [updated 7/16/24]

A quick list of signed performance dates for the 2023-24 theater season. Check back for updates, as new plays, concerts, readings, and so on...

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blog Post at PCS

Last Friday my latest post for Portland Center Stage's blog went out. Click on the title to read the article.

It talks about (duh, I know) interpreting comedy and there is some information about the play I'll be interpreting this Thursday, January 24th, at PCS, "I Love to Eat," which is 'a night with James Beard' who was the first television chef way back in 1946. It's full of laughter and storytelling and a look at life.

Hope to see you there! And if you look at the post right before this one, there is an overview of the play in ASL by Justin Coleman.

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