Quick list of ASL interpreted performances

2024-25 Season interpreted performances

  The 2024-25 season quick list of signed performance is below. This list will be updated soon, to include links to each production's we...

Saturday, April 12, 2014

"Othello" interpreted performances at PCS

Portland Center Stage presents
two interpreted performances of

by William Shakespeare

DATE: Thurs April 24th at 7:30 pm
            Thurs May 1st at noon
LOCATION: 128 NW Eleventh Ave. Portland, Oregon 97209
TICKETS: $30 - buy online with promo code SIGN or call the Box Office at 503-445-3700.
INTERPRETERS: Rich Hall, Dot Hearn, Carolyn Brockway

SYNOPSIS:  Set in 17th century Venice, this is Shakespeare’s profound tragedy of the power of love and jealousy. A highly esteemed general serving the state of Venice, Othello, secretly marries Desdemona, the daughter of a senator. As their marriage is revealed, jealousies around their love match and Othello’s rise to prominence are unleashed, piling secret upon secret, and betrayal upon betrayal. A society seething with intrigue sets the stage for the ultimate tragedy—when love does not trust, and power is prized above all things.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Profile Theatre Playwright for 2015


On March 15th, in a creative and fun post-show event, Profile Theatre announced the playwright for 2015 : Sarah Ruhl. The specific plays will be announced in the upcoming months.

From the Profile Theatre website:
Forty-year-old Illinois native and MFA recipient from Brown University (2001), Sarah Ruhl’s original plan was poetry, but was convinced to switch to playwriting studying under Paula Vogel. She began her first play at age twenty-one. The worlds in which her characters live are none-to-far from our own. But the magic she creates comes from a place that Ruhl describes best for herself, “I like to see people speaking ordinary words in strange places, or people speaking extraordinary words in ordinary places.”  Just as she’s able to bridge the vast and the life-sized, the straightforward and the artful, Ruhl can seemingly fuse the lyrical and the starkly dramatic.

Click on the Profile Theatre and/or Sarah Ruhl links above to read more about this playwright and her work. I am looking forward to the 2015 season and to see the specific plays to be presented.