Quick list of ASL interpreted performances

2023-24 season Theatrical signed performances [updated 7/16/24]

A quick list of signed performance dates for the 2023-24 theater season. Check back for updates, as new plays, concerts, readings, and so on...

Sunday, February 21, 2016

reminder: "Breaking Rank" interpreted performance

Well Arts Institute
In Partnership with Returning Veteran’s Project
and Wise Counsel and Comfort
present an interpreted performance of

Saturday, February 27th at 2:00 pm
at Milagro (Miracle) Theatre
525 SE Stark, Portland OR

Interpreters: Carolyn Brockway and Dot Hearn
Tickets: $15 regular; $10 students and seniors

Five local women veterans share their stories of breaking barriers and overcoming odds. 

The play will explore the experiences of women in the U.S. Armed Forces: some have survived tours of duty in combat zones, some cope with military sexual trauma, all of them share what it was for them to be living and working in  a male dominated environment.

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