Quick list of ASL interpreted performances

2024-25 Season interpreted performances

  The 2024-25 season quick list of signed performance is below. This list will be updated soon, to include links to each production's we...

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

"Every Brilliant Thing" - interpreted 10/12/17

Portland Center Stage at The Armory
an interpreted performance of

By Duncan Macmillan with Jonny Donahoe

DATE & TIME: Thur, Oct 12th at 7:30 pm
LOCATION: 128 NW 11th, Portland OR 97209
TICKETS: Order online with promo code SIGN
or call the Box Office 503-445-3700

A kid makes a list for his mom. A list of everything worth living for in the world. He needs her to read the list so she doesn’t try to leave the world again. As the kid grows up and experiences more life, more love, and more loss, his list of every brilliant thing gets longer and more vital with each addition. Duncan Macmillan’s play shines hilarious and compassionate light in dark corners of the human condition, and the way in which the creators have constructed the performance is refreshingly theatrical. A reminder that hope is never truly lost, and a testament to the healing power of storytelling.

"Heart-wrenching, hilarious ... possibly one of the funniest plays you'll ever see, full stop." ???? —The Guardian

"Amelia Earhart's First Flight" - interpreted 10/7 at 11 AM

NW Children's Theater and School, and
The Starlings Present:
an interpreted performance of

DATE & TIME: Sat. 10/7/17  11:00 AM
LOCATION: 1819 NW Everett Street, Portland OR
TICKETS: Order online, select the pink seats!
INTERPRETERS: Carolyn Brockway and Dot Hearn

The Starlings, NWCT’s all-bird, all-puppet acting troupe, return for this imaginative exploration of the airplane. Follow Amelia Earhart on an interactive, puppet-fueled extravaganza as she soars through the history of women in flight from the early airplane to the space program. 

"Fun Home" - interpreted 10/5/17

Portland Center Stage at The Armory
an interpreted performance of

" Fun Home "
Based on the graphic novel by Alison Bechdel
Book and Lyrics by Lisa Kron  
Music by Jeanine Tesori

DATE & TIME: Thur. Oct. 5, 2017 at 7:30 pm
LOCATION: 128 NW 11th, Portland OR 97209
TICKETS: Online with code SIGN,  or call the Box Office at 503-445-3700
INTERPRETERS:  Dot Hearn, Jayodin Mosher, Dana Walls
Based on Alison Bechdel’s witty and wistful illustrated autobiography of the same name, the Tony Award-winning musical Fun Home ushers us inside Alison’s head — at three different ages — as she struggles to process the chain of childhood events that made her the adult she is today. Growing up in a funeral home as the closeted lesbian daughter of a father with secrets of his own was complicated. But by looking back on her family life, and remembering all the loving, silly, and even shameful moments, she learns to see her parents — and herself — for who they really are. Winner of five Tony Awards, including Best Musical of 2015!

Monday, September 11, 2017

2017-18 Season Pocket Guide

A quick list of interpreted performances and cultural events for the current season. Also check at PAIA on Facebook, as well as my Events (Dot Hearn) for future shows.  [updated 8/10/18]

The Short List of Interpreted Performances 2017-18
[note: date links go to the webpage for that specific event]

** 2018-19 season announcement late August 2018 **

Key to Theatre Company Abbreviations
PCS   : Portland Center Stage
PROF: Profile Theatre (each show includes link to interpreted play description)
PPH  : Portland Playhouse
PCC  : Portland Community College
TOC  : The Old Church Concert Hall
NWCT: NW Childrens Theatre and School

Previous interpreted performances for this season
OCT 2017
____ 10/5  PCS Fun Home 
____ 10/7  NWCT Amelia Earhart's First Flight
____ 10/12 PCS Every Brilliant Thing 

NOV 2017
____ 11/10 PROF Water by the Spoonful *by Quiara Alegria Hudes*
____ 11/17 PROF Happiest Song Plays Last *by Quiara Alegria Hudes*
____ 11/18  PCC  Pride and Prejudice @ 7 pm
____ 11/19  PCS  Mojada (Sunday)  

DEC 2017
____ 12/7   PCS  A Christmas Memory  & Winter Song (music)
____ 12/13  PPH  A Christmas Carol (musical)  @ 7 pm
____ 12/21  PCS Twist Your Dickens  
____ 12/22  PPH  A Christmas Carol (musical)    @ 2 pm *matinee*

JAN 2018
____ 1/24 PPH Weaving Women Together

FEB 2018 
____ 2/2  PROF 2.6 Minute Ride  *by Lisa Kron*
____ 2/3 Portland Lesbian Choir, "What Matters: Songs of Social Justice"
____ 2/8  PCS Astoria Part 2
____ 2/17 NWCT Chitra, the Girl Prince

____ 2/22 PCS Kodachrome 

MARCH 2018
____ 3/14 PPH Scarlet  (musical)  *in partnership with Bitch Media*
____ 3/22 PCS The Magic Play 
____ 3/17 PCC The Laramie Project @ 7 pm

APRIL 2018
____ 4/19 PCS And So We Walked 

MAY 2018
____ 5/3 PCS  Major Barbara 
____ 5/4 BoomArts Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over (all performances interpreted)
____ 5/5 BoomArts Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over
____ 5/6 BoomArts Heroes of the Imagination, a workshop w Touretteshero  - free

____ 5/8 BoomArts & Multnomah Library "Laughter, Access, Diversity, & Inclusion: 
                   Jess Thom, Changing the World One Tic at a Time" - free @ 6 pm
____ 5/8 TOC / We Can Listen Native Perspectives on Art, Culture, and Justice - free @ 7 pm
____ 5/9 PPH  Fences by August Wilson
____ 5/11 BoomArts Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over
____ 5/12 BoomArts Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over
____ 5/19 PCC Sylvania  Bus Stop  @ 7 pm

JUNE 2018
____ 6/12 TOC We Can Listen: I Am A Survivor @ 7 pm *free*
____ 6/14 PCS   Lady Day 
____ 6/22  PROF The Secretaries *by The Five Lesbian Brothers*; Pride Mixer at 6:30p

JULY 2018
____ 7/28 PCS JAW   *4 pm 1 of 4   *free*
____ 7/28 PCS JAW   *8 pm 2 of 4     *free*
____ 7/29 PCS JAW   *4 pm 3 of 4     *free*
____ 7/29 PCS JAW   *8 pm 4 of 4     *free*

T:BA:17 *free* conversation with "Schmerm" creator - interpreted

PICA presents, as a part of T:BA:17
a free special event:

Becca Blackwell
creator & performer of "They, Themself, and Schmerm"
with Shawna Lipton and bart fitzgerald
date & time: Tuesday, September 12th at 12:30 - 1:30 PM
location: PNCA at 511 NW Broadway, Room 107, Portland OR
This public event will be interpreted.

Free Admission
"Becca Blackwell shares insights into the creation of They, Themself, and Schmerm, including themes of gender and transition, strategies of humor, and forms of comedy and personal narrative. In dialogue with TBA Guest Scholar bart fitzgerald and Shawna Lipton, Chair, MA in Critical Studies, Pacific Northwest College of Art."
* * *

"They, Themself, and Schmerm" : Part classic standup comedy special, part teen zine vomit confessional, They, Themself and Schmerm is Becca’s disturbingly hilarious personal tale of being adopted into a Midwestern religious family, trained to be a girl, molested, and plagued by the question, “How do I become a man and do I even want that?” Becca engages in loving confrontation with the audience, asking what it truly means to be authentic in these meat carcasses.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

T:BA:17 "Boner Killer" - interpreted 9/11/17

PICA presents
as a part of T:BA:17
an interpreted performance of

written and performed by
Erin Markey

TIME & DATE: Monday, September 11th at 8:30 pm
LOCATION: A.R.T at 1515 SW Morrison, Portland OR
TICKETS: $20 Member / $25 General (All Ages)
INTERPRETER: Jayodin Mosher

"Comprised of her signature story-driven stand-up and scored by sensual homemade pop, Erin Markey’s Boner Killer is an intimate musical conversation between what Markey thinks she can’t have and how she’d have it if she could. Driven by Whitney Houston’s lesbian mythologies, Europe™, and a Pretty Woman accident, Markey and bandmate Emily Bate sacrifice their lives to transform personal humiliations into naked feminist hope.
Erin Markey has “laser-beam eyes, a hair-raising singing voice, and an intense, almost predatory sexuality” (The New Yorker). She’s a “magnetic diva” (New York Times). She’s one of Brooklyn’s 50 Funniest People (Brooklyn Magazine). And she wants to tell you some stories.

Named one of “Brooklyn’s 50 Funniest People” (Brooklyn Magazine), Erin Markey makes music, shows and videos. "

Saturday, September 2, 2017

T:BA:17 "They, Themself, and Schmerm" - 9/9/17 @ 8:30p

PICA presents
as a part of T:BA:17
an interpreted performance of

They, Themself and Schmerm
written and performed by
Becca Blackwell

TIME & DATE: Saturday, September 9th at 8:30 pm
Co-presented with Artists Repertory Theatre’s Frontier Series
LOCATION: A.R.T at 1515 SW Morrison, Portland OR
TICKETS: $20 Member / $25 General (All Ages)
INTERPRETER: Dot Hearn; preparation team Dana Walls

"US West Coast Premiere:  Part classic standup comedy special, part teen zine vomit confessional, They, Themself and Schmerm is Becca’s disturbingly hilarious personal tale of being adopted into a Midwestern religious family, trained to be a girl, molested, and plagued by the question, “How do I become a man and do I even want that?” Becca engages in loving confrontation with the audience, asking what it truly means to be authentic in these meat carcasses. They, Themself and Schmerm is Directed by and Developed with Ellie Heyman.

Becca Blackwell is a New York City based trans actor, performer and writer. Existing between genders, and preferring the pronoun “they,” Blackwell works collaboratively with playwrights and directors to expand our sense of personhood and the body through performance. Some of their collaborations have been with Young Jean Lee, Half Straddle, Jennifer Miller’s Circus Amok, Richard Maxwell, Sharon Hayes, Theater of the Two Headed Calf and Lisa D’Amour. They were recently seen in Erin Markey’s tour of A Ride on the Irish Cream and Richard Maxwell’s Samara. Becca is a recipient of the Doris Duke Impact Artist Award 2015. "

Becca Blackwell In Conversation with Shawna Lipton and bart fitzgerald

date & time: Tuesday, September 12th at 12:30 - 1:30 PM
location: PNCA at 511 NW Broadway, Room 107, Portland OR
This public event will be interpreted.

Free Admission
"Becca Blackwell shares insights into the creation of They, Themself, and Schmerm, including themes of gender and transition, strategies of humor, and forms of comedy and personal narrative. In dialogue with TBA Guest Scholar bart fitzgerald and Shawna Lipton, Chair, MA in Critical Studies, Pacific Northwest College of Art."