Quick list of ASL interpreted performances

2023-24 season Theatrical signed performances [updated 7/16/24]

A quick list of signed performance dates for the 2023-24 theater season. Check back for updates, as new plays, concerts, readings, and so on...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

workshop: Theatrical Interpreting Preparation Series (TIPS), part I

theatre masks
Announcing the Theatrical Interpreting Preparation Series (TIPS), part I, workshop for the 2013-14 season!

We will meet for two Saturdays per month, plus one interpreted performance per month, for a period of four months. The workshop will begin on December 7, 2013; the exact dates and times are on the workshop flyer (see below).

Description: This workshop will provide participants training in and exposure to the process of performance interpreting, using theater as a vehicle. This initial training is intended for new interpreters, but all levels are welcome. We will meet twice a month on Saturdays for four months, beginning December 2013. Participants will learn different approaches to theatrical interpreting and explore topics such as script analysis, incorporating characterization, translation, altering signing style for the venue and the production, linguistic considerations, and more.  Through a series of meetings, combined with exposure to specific interpreted performances, participants will gain the basic skills necessary for a variety of performing arts situations. Completion of this training is a requirement for the advanced mentored training, which goes through the entire process from receiving the script, translation, preparation, to interpreting a performance of the project show. 
You can access the TIPS I flyer here, which includes the dates, fees, included plays, presenter bio, and the registration form.

CEUs are currently pending. Last year's participants received up to 3.6 CEUs (see the flyer for more details).
Fee: $450 includes tickets to all four shows. Preregistration is required with a $100 deposit due by November 25th; this is non-refundable and includes a ticket to the first play. If paid in full by or on our first meeting, you will receive 10% off the workshop fee.
Presenter: Dot Hearn, CI & CT, has been doing performance interpreting since 1997. Portland Center Stage, where she has coordinated the interpreting teams since 2003, was one of her first theatrical interpreting venues. She has also interpreted plays at IFCC, Oregon Children’s Theatre, Profile Theatre, Artists Repertory Theatre, Portland Community College (PCC), OSF in Ashland, and more. Dot graduated from the PCC Sign Language Interpreting Program and went on to become adjunct faculty in that program for eleven years. Dot earned a BS degree from Eastern Oregon University, with a Liberal Arts degree and a double minor in Theater and Writing. In 2001, Dot attended the “Interpreting for the Theater” intensive week-long training in New York City, which was held at Juilliard. That training and the instructors have been instrumental in shaping Dot’s approach to theatrical interpreting and her mentoring of interpreters new to this specialty area. 

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